Nice Tips for Recycling & Living Better

Instead of throwing out what you own and letting it end up on fly-tips, try to find ways of reusing old products.

nice tips for recycling
Image via Wikipedia

  1. Wherever possible, avoid purchasing products with lots of plastic packaging. Use waste plastic for storage if you can.

  2. Avoid bottled water; simply fill up the container you already have from the tap.

  3. Our consumer lifestyles mean that we are prone to discarding things unnecessarily and contributing to the destruction of nature over time.

  4. By reducing our day-to-day consumption, as well as our general waste levels, we can really start to reverse the effects of climate change.

  5. Why not give away old items to charity? By doing so, you will be helping to prevent the use of excess utilities. Unwanted clothes are normally appreciated by homeless shelters; even if you think the style is a bit last season.


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